Look Inside Feature

Last modified August 25, 2022

Look Inside for Turnstyle
Look Inside for ACE

*Note: Look Inside is available on the web only (app support is not available).
         This can be applied for both Subscriber Managed and Publisher Site Login access models. 

Turnstyle Platform:

The Look Inside feature allows non-subscribers or non-members a preview of the digital edition before they are directed to the publishers subscribe or login page. This feature works with the Subscriber Managed and Publisher Site Login access models by sharing as much or as little content as you would like to before requiring the user to sign up or subscribe.

Here’s how it works: Users have the opportunity to preview a set number of pages (decided upon by you) from the point of entry. This allows non-subscribers to sample a set number of pages of any document (Page View) or two articles (Reader View) without the need to subscribe/sign up. Once they’ve reached their allotted page count or the end of the article, they’ll be redirected to your subscribe/login page. With Look Inside, you can now share links in social media campaigns, and search engine links will now allow users to sample premium content.

Setup Requirements:

  • Restricted Access model (Subscriber Managed or Publisher Site Login).
  • Number of pages to grant access to the non-subscriber from the page they enter (before and after).
  • Subscribe, sign-up or payment url.


ACE Platform:

In the ACE platform, a preview has been built in with any collection setup with Subscriber Managed or Publisher Site Login.

Here’s how it works: A non-subscriber or non-member will be able to preview the first paragraph of each article and can click on the subscribe/sign up button at any time.

Setup Requirements:

  • Restricted Access model (Subscriber Managed or Publisher Site Login).
  • Subscribe, sign-up or payment url.
Need Help?
The Digital Help Desk is the process for communicating with GTxcel regarding new title setups, questions, and technical issues for the Web Reader and/or Apps.

You can submit a request to us through the Request Help button located in the Publisher Dashboard or call the support number: 800-609-8994, option 3.
Contact Us GraphicContact Support
Monday to Friday
800-609-8994, option 3
Response Times
General Question/Requests – A Customer Success team Member will begin working on your request within one to two hours of receipt. We will complete the request as soon as possible; we aim to have all requests completed within 24 hours.