Are you posting your article content on your website? Why do double the work. You have the ability to feed your responsive articles from your Reading View straight to your site.
Many publishers are integrating RSS syndication as a part of their distribution strategy. There are several URL parameters that publishers can use to customize and filter their article feeds.
For security purposes, RSS feeds are disabled by default. Just contact your Customer Success Team and ask to enable RSS for your collection.
Feed Formats
We offer RSS feeds in two formats: RSS and ATOM. For more information on the difference between the two formats, read this article.
Linking to Your Feed
Once RSS is enabled, the URL for your collection feed will be determined by the format you choose (RSS vs ATOM).
RSS example: yourdomain/collection/feed/rss
ATOM example: yourdomain/collection/feed/atom
Customizing Your Feed
If you don’t add any parameters to your feed URL, all published articles for all documents will be included. However, you have the ability to customize the feed in a few different ways:
✦ Change the number of articles per feed
The URL parameter ‘pageSize’ controls how many articles appear in the feed at one time (the default is 30). So, for example, if you wish to show 50 articles in the feed you’d format it as follows:
✦ Sort how the articles appear in the feed
The URL parameter ‘sortBy’ controls how the articles appear in the feed (the default is by publish date/descending). The sort parameter is comprised of two sub-elements: sort value and direction. Combined, these two sub-elements will tell the RSS feed what to sort by, and which direction to sort them.
Example of sortBy using both sub-elements: sortBy=[sort value]-[sort-direction]
Sort Values
- documentName
- publishedDate
Sort Direction
- desc
- asc
For example, we know the default sort filer is publishedDate-desc. Let’s say you want to show the oldest articles first. You’d add the parameter publishedDate-asc:
✦ Specify Categories
By default, articles from all categories will be pulled into the feed. If you wish to only show articles from a specific category or categories, you should use the ‘categories’ parameter. It can be a single category name or a comma-separated list of categories.
For example, say a publisher wants 50 articles from a category titled ‘Featured’. The URL would be formatted as follows: yourdomain/collection/feed/rss?pageSize=50&categories=Featured
Or, if they wanted all articles from two categories: Featured and Groups – they’d format the URL as follows: yourdomain/collection/feed/rss/?categories=Featured,Groups
✦ Specify a Document
You can get an article feed from specific documents by using the ‘issue’ parameter.
Example: Get all articles from the October 2021 issue: yourdomain/collection/feed/rss/?issueUrl=october_2021
The document name can be obtained from your publisher dashboard, or by looking at the live documents URL. It is important to remember that the number of articles that appear by default is still 30. So, if the October 2021 issue has more than 30 articles you will need to add the additional pageSize parameter in order to see them all.
Example: Get all 40 articles from the October 2021 issue: yourdomain/collection/feed/rss/?issueUrl=october_2021&pageSize=40
✦ Recent Documents Only
The ‘recentIssues’ parameter should be used when a publisher wishes to pull all articles from only the most recent issues. The default number of issues for this parameter is 5. So for example, if a publisher wishes to pull all articles from the 3 latest issues, they’d format their URL as follows: yourdomain/collection/feed/rss/?recentIssues=3
*Keep in mind the 30 article limit! If each document has, say, 20 articles, you will need to update the feed link with the pageSize parameter.
✦ Filtering Covers and Advertisements
You may not want the cover or advertisements to appear in the feed, as they don’t contain any relevant content. These can be filtered using the ‘excludeContentTypes’ parameter as follows: yourdomain/collection/feed/rss?excludeContentTypes=cover,advertisement