Google Ad Manager Specific Identifiers
If you wish to place Google Ad Manager ads we will need the following Google Ad Manager specific information:
Publisher ID
To find the pubID, please refer to this article:
Ad Unit ID
To find the ad ID, log into your Google Ad Manager dashboard and go to Inventory > Ad units
Click the relevant ad unit, then scroll down to reveal the settings. The ID is the code field, which is often, but not always, the same as the ad unit name (depends what you set when you were creating it). Ad unit codes can be up to 100 characters in length. Only letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, periods, asterisks, forward slashes, backslashes, exclamations, left angle brackets, colons and parentheses are allowed. Each code must be unique; you can’t reuse codes you’ve used before. Once you’ve created the ad unit, you can’t change the code.
Which view you would like your ad to appear.
Options: Reader View, Page View
Publishers typically opt for having their ads appear in both views. However, there may be instances where you wish to have an ad only appear in one or the other.
GTxcel offers multiple positions in which your ads can appear.
Options: Leaderboard, Banner, TOC, Interleaved
Leaderboards appear below navigation and above content
Banners appear at the bottom of the screen, centered. Banner must float and have the close button
TOC ads will appear at the bottom of the TOC in Page View and reading View.
Interleaved ads appear within the table of contents in Reading View (Ad Manager only, static images not supported).
Display Options
Options: Float, Close Button
Float: By default, ads will be static and push the content above or below the The float option allows the ad image to float on top of the content. Turning float on will automatically enable the close button. While the float option can be applied to all ad positions, it is best practice to keep it disabled for the TOC ad as it will block some of the table of contents and could be considered intrusive.
Close Button: You can enable the close button on any ad. If you have float enabled, the close button is enabled by default.
Best Practice:
We recommend using leaderboard for desktop, and closable banners for mobile
Screenshot: Page View (Desktop)
- Leaderboard position
- TOC position
Screenshot: Reading View (Desktop)
- Banner position (with optional close button)
- Interleaved position
- TOC position
Screenshot: Reading View
Banner position (with optional close button)
More Optional Specs:
Screen Sizes
If you have multiple ad sizes, specify which screen sizes you want to target for each ad.
Options: Desktop, Tablet, Phone
Desktop – screen size is greater than 1024px
Tablet – screen size is between 728px and 1024px
Phone – screen size is less than 728px
Breakpoints (Optional)
Options: Publisher Specified
Specify ads to appear at specific breakpoints. For example, force a 960×90 ad to appear on desktop if screen is 1024×600.
Targeting Specifications (Google Ad Manager ONLY)
Turnstyle’s Google Ad Manager integration allows you to target specific attributes within the issue. By default, we support the following attributes:
- Article vs Page View
- Publication Name
- Issue Name
- Article Title – An advertiser may wish to target a specific featured article
- Template Name – You may wish to target ads to a specific template, such as the cover or long-form template.
- Article ID – For Reader View (article)
- Folio Number – For Page View (replica)
Custom Targeting (Google Ad Manager ONLY)
We can accommodate any any custom key/value pairs (key followed by string or array) necessary for advanced Google Ad Manager users.